Some guys actually trained rats to play VR Doom, for science
It seems that the doom fans have enough of the gag playing doom on unusual devices . Now it's time to bring the doom experience to all the wonderful creatures of the earth, starting with the adorable rat . Here's how it worked: the rat is placed in a harness, suspended at the top of a polystyrene ball. This bullet is followed by motion sensors, that the computer displays as movement in the game. And when the rat succeeded in finishing the desired exercise, he received a sweet treat. All automatically, of course — we do not want to interfere with the rat workout. Initially, the test required the rat to walk to the end of a corridor. Simple enough to solve, the power mechanism was in any case in front of the rat. The real problem came to teach them to pull on demons. A cabling movement was the trigger of this, detected through the harness — although for the first meetings, the harness automatically lifted the back of the rat just so that they learn the movements. Much of thi...