Path of Exile: Patch-Notes zur Scourge-Liga

In less than a week, a new league starts a new league in Path of Exile - Scourge was just revealed! All the better so that the developers also promptly published patch notes for Update 3.16.0. In the huge text colossus you will find this time not only black on white all upcoming changes, but also insights into the causes of adjustments.

More about Scourge: These are the highlights of the new league of Path of Exile

Patch Notes with detailed problem solution construction

In the Official Forum of Path of Exile (Buy Now) you will find the overview of all patch notes, which expect us with the release of scourge. Many innovations provide the developers in the patch notes with the description of a problem and solution that will give it in patch 3.16.0. In 84 cases one learns, for example, that the developers can increase the difficulty and rewards of Delve much faster with the depth of the areas. Or, how extremely strong aura builds for farmgroups is offered. In addition, some revealed paints get strong buffs so that you can withdraw from your standard version - a highlight is awakened support: elementary damage with attacks , which now ensures that affected attacks are no longer reflected. The NPCs from Path of Exile: Expedition we also meet in the future - the league mechanics now becomes part of the main game. Source: GGG

These changes are AMAZING! | Path of Exile: Scourge PATCH NOTES Overview Expedition Goes Core - also available in the future

The mechanics of the expedition league come into the main game with patch 3.16.0. With a probability of eight percent meeting you on an expedition site, if your area of ​​Act 6 explores up and atlas cards. A comfort change is that the artifacts from expeditions are no longer tradable and automatically collected - no click more necessary! Instead of perandescence, there will be expedition skarabees in the future.

Are you looking forward to the scourge league? Already a starter build in mind? How does your previous league expedition fountain? We are really looking forward to your insights!

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